Monday, December 29, 2008


Virgin Blog

Hi 3D, oops it should be 4D by now,
How's all of you?Finish your holiday joy?Grown as tall as Kee Heng over the holidays?
I finally made it! I finally set up a humble blog to keep in contact with each other and to preserve the wonderful memories we had in 2008. I hope this will be a one stop pit to update each other with any exhilarating news or gossips in the class. I don't mind being auntie agony or visiting the blog just to have a good laugh. There is freedom of speech here but no freedom of vulgarities...I am sure you understand*wink*. As I said, the blog is humble, please teach me humbly so that it is less humble*!!!!!
By the way I already know who your new form teacher and maths teacher is..if you wanna find out, do check the blog regularly for any updates:)
From dearest MK